KNN is the easiest machine learning method, yet has powerful applications. Credit to Ritika Yadav for this easy tutorial.

Understand Neural Networks

Neural networks simulate how the brain works. They can process vast amounts of data through multiple layers without supervision. Use when your margin of error is critical. 

Know the fundamentals

Peter Norvig does a great job of explaining the "unreasonable effectiveness of data".

Adam Shafi explains how to evaluate your ML.            

Optionaly, go deeper with ANN

Christopher Nolah will take you into the neural networks be consumed with moderation

Ease your ML Journey

Get curious with Teachable Machine, Tensorflow, Sagemaker, AutoML, PyTorch, AutoPilot, TinyML, Edge AI, Dialogflow etc...

Get Inspired

Stanford ChexNet reduces chest diagnostics from 3 hours to 9 seconds....and it is available on your phone!

What will you do for your business?

Ultimately, choose the skills you want to develop and practice

Build and Test AI applications

Manage AI initiatives and AI platforms

Use, Evaluate and Adjust to AI applications

Teach, Coach and promote Responsible AI